To end his miserable life. (At the dining room Taylor was sitting next to Lincoln as she took Lynns spot, Rita spoke up). Lincoln: Yes Principal Ramirez, I met her on the school bus. Lynn Sr.: >to Lynn< I don't want to hear another word out of you anymore, until you start helping Lincoln more often, you're grounded, which means no more Sports channels for you for the rest of the month. Aladdin, The Good Dinosaur and The Jungle Book is owned and created by Pixar and the Walt Disney Company. Fanfiction - One Fateful Fight Principal Ramirez: For your first job, I need you to escort Lincoln to his class. Taylor: They may be eighth graders, but theyll learn soon enough, trust me, Ive been around them since I was in sixth grade, even though I have made the wrong choice to join up with them. (Like before, she again crossed her legs like an Indian, pressed her index finger and thumbs together closed her eyes and hummed, they both hummed and Taylor was lost in meditation, Mr. Chong, in a form of a spirit speaks to her once more). Lincoln and Cameron are in Mr. Mooney's class learning about The Spanish Flu.) (While Mr. Mooney is still teaching, Cameron and Lincoln are talking to each other.) Lincoln was devastated by what he just heard. and "No Bus no Fuss" are considered terrible because of non-sensical plots, unintelligible character development and cringe-worthy stereotypes there are on these said episodes (even though I find them both Mediocre in my opinion), so I made this story as I felt sorry for Lincoln for what has happened to him on those said episodes despite my lack of interest in him, but I wanted to make this story as a strong anti-bullying message since the writers of that show refuse to give out new idea's and recycle the same elements that has been repeated, I hope you enjoy it. Luna: >to Taylor< I dont trust you dude. The one youve been crushing on since your birthday? Principal Ramirez: I'm not giving you anymore second chances, you are finished with your Hall Monitor duty, giving tickets to students and reporting is one thing, but abusing them to respect the rules by force is a very serious no no, as an eighth grader, it's your responsibility to lead sixth and seventh graders down the right path and not the wrong path, I'm sorry but we are done with this conversation, you have detention for the rest of the week! Lincoln was in the kitchen helping his mother cook. I haven't talk to Bobby for 2 hours! Lynn: Youre welcome Principal Ramirez, now that Ive learned my lesson, you think I could get my job back as Hall monitor? Taylor: You sleep here with barely any light? The Loud House Fanfic #11-Second Mommy The Sister Role Reversal. aylor: I understand, well anyway, it was nice talking to you, enjoy your night. Principal Ramirez: Thank you for reporting this to me Lynn, that was the right thing to do. Mr. Chong: Please pay attention, let us see what would happen if you continue doing this. Taylor: He was seventeen going on eighteen, because he bullied me after I passed the fourth grade, he joined up with a gang and tortured me, he told me that middle school was going to be tougher for me because I would face bigger challenges, so he kept torturing me more and more and more at the start of middle schooluntil one day in the middle of the semester, it happened. WebLincoln Loud was viewed by many to be a strong, caring, and kind person. (For a while Taylor just cried a bit and looked at herself with a younger version of herself, she now lost her young caring self and her life as a bully turned her into a monster she is today, she then walked out of the bathroom and headed straight to the principal's office, it then cuts to the principals office where she is on her computer going over her files, she heard a knock on the door). 58.7K 547 33. Lynner or Loser When Rita finds her old high school bully, she starts to befriend her after claiming to have changed. Principal Ramirez: It seems to me that you are trying to go down the right path, but I will say this, we take bullying very serious, and I've been telling you three to not harass anyone younger than you whether it's in the building or on the bus, we don't want any of you setting a bad example of them. Lincoln: >to Luan< It's not very uncommon for a kid like me to make friends with an upperclassmen like Taylor, as long as I got a new friend, I'll be okay. (While Mr. Mooney is still teaching, Cameron and Lincoln are talking to each other.) He started sobbing in his hands as he can only think about what his sisters said to him. WebBULLY #1: Oh, Its just because we HATE you. Taylor: Like I said, it wasn't your fault, you didn't know it was taken when it wasn't assigned to us in the first place, what I meant to say was as I said earlier, I'm sorry for the mess I caused, but I appreciate you guys standing up to us when you told us that we weren't the boss of you guys, we actually deserved that. WebIts All Relative Chapter 8: Wrong Place, Wrong Time, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction. WebHe wiped his tears with his hand and ran out of the house without turning back. Lincoln: First of all, I can't do this alone, secondly, fighting is not the answer, you should have been there for me like all siblings do. Luna: What? Anderson: >to Taylor< You just got back with us, you still consider him your little boyfriend pedophile? How did you find me? After all of that?!?! (It later cuts to Lynn at the Principals office where Lynn is giving her a report on the boys scheme). He ran right to his room with tears falling out of his eyes. Luan: >to Lincoln< Very unusual for you to be friends with someone who used to bully you, I mean Ronnie Anne is one thing, but an upperclassmen? Loud House WebWhat A Wonderful Loud. Anderson: No matter, we'll get him next time, we still got the whole day until we beat him. Here is my thirtieth fanfiction, I know that "Schooled!" Mr. Chong: Thats right, that could be you if you dont stop bullying. (Chandler gulped as his breath got to Chandler resulting him to faint, Lincoln grabbed the cushion from his seat and tossed it away, later at lunch, Taylor sitting with Lincoln plans to trade lunches with him). The Loud House Fanfic #30-No Bullies (Lincoln started to play his game without worrying about Lynn, the next day, Lincoln was riding Vanzilla alongside Leni, Luna, and Luan as Lynn Sr. was the one driving them to their respected schools). Lincolnloud Stories Understand?! Taylor: I am a master at this, and believe me Ive beaten Anderson and Pablo at this game, they are wimps. Bullies Lynn: But that boy was taking to comic out of his pocket during--. Loud of Time-Skip by StaidAlarm42056. Loud, I want to apologize for bullying your son, I was manipulated into doing things I wasn't supposed to do, he didnt deserve that much treatment from any of us, I was wrong to bully him, I want to start over and take care of him like I supposed to, Im an eighth grader, as an eighth grader, its supposed to be my responsibility to lead others into the right path and make great decisions, and not lead them to the wrong path and make the wrong decisions. (The rest of the family even Taylor were enjoying their dinner, from outside, Anderson and Pablo using binoculars begin to spy on Taylor to see what she is doing, so far Taylor wasnt doing anything, after dinner, Lincoln was about to play his game, until Taylor walks in). Lisa: Based upon my calculations, I have been hearing conversations that you and some girl that you have become street name friends, and it pains for me to say this, but you are in facto dating this older girl. WebA/N: Hello everyone, I give you my Loud House fanfic. I'll tell you what happened, this is the fifth time this week I've been bullied by these eighth graders! You ok? Mr. Chong: I see, but tell me this, how do you think they feel when you took advantage of them when you are stealing something from them? Lincoln: Thanks guys, you are the best, I'll introduce you to her one day. (Taylor and Lincoln hear the sound of feet coming down the stairs, at least eight sisters except Lynn greeted Taylor), Lincoln: Predict me to introduce you to my sisters, >to Leni< Leni, >to Luna< Luna, >to Luan< Luan. If I start a fight, Ill get suspended, Dad was right, I shouldnt have to be so rough on him, I should have protected him, I know what I need to do, and I must to the right thing, I have to report this to Principal Ramirez and hopefully shell give me my job back. (The mirror turned around and sees a monster version of herself in the mirror with green skin, large torso and a large underbite). Taylor: It all started, when I was a fifth grader going on to the sixth grade, my Mom and Dad left me with my abusive big brother in charge, he bullied me because I was the runt of the litter, he kept twisting my arm, calling me names, spit on my face and did something even much worse, which I never wanted to explain. (Taylor gives Lincoln a large chocolate chip cookie in a bag). It was another normal day at the loud house me and Lori where in the kitchen arguing about something as usual. School Officer: >to Anderson< Move along son. But when they did this he discovered a power that few have learned, and very few hav crossoverfanfiction. Taylor: >to Lincoln< You dont understand, fighting is not the answer, walk away and save yourself! However, when they are discovered they are forced to go on the run. Mr. Chong: Thats what I want to hear and I love it, you have to note this, you have to put the past behind you, bad things happen and you cant do anything about it, if you cant change the past, you can definitely change. (The front door bursted open with an angry, black-eyed Lincoln glaring at Lynn, she notices). (Mr. Chong shows Taylor a window and they have watched Taylor sending troll texts on her phone as she started to bully other kids, then she laughed as she keeps trolling them, Taylor was in shock as she herself became a cyberbully, she looks away in fear). Mr. Chong: And how old was your bother at that time? Taylor: I got real mad, I told him to stop, so I end up beating up my brother, I had build up my anger and get him to stop, my brother was bleeding, all because of me, after I punched him, it turned me into a monster, I was no longer the sweet innocent girl my Mom and Dad thought I was, but a creature that everyone was afraid of, I kept bullying everyone because I was afraid that everyone was going to bully me, so I had to stand up for myself, I kept getting into trouble with everyone, the school staff kept sending me home and I was grounded for weeks and months, I couldn't stop being a bully, then I kept teaming up with the other two boys Anderson and Pablo and I joined their little game, including bullying Lincoln and his friends on the school bus, all because of the back seat he sat on, last week, me and the boys kept picking on him because we thought it would be fun for us to do so, but as of today, I realized Taylor: I realized that we were not the only ones that kept picking on him, Chandler and Lincoln's older sister Lynn who is the Hall monitor gave him more pain and suffering, and then, I felt something in my heart andandand>tearing up< I felt Taylor: >tearing up< I felt so sorry for him, I started to have a flashback of my big brother torturing me, all because of Lynn hurting him, and I never never want him to have that same experience like I did. Lincoln: I don't ever want to be around her anymore if she keeps acting like a bully more than a caring sister, Why can't she be as nice as Lori, Leni or Luna? Anderson: >to Lincoln< Where's your big sister? You see, this is what you look like if you spend too much time on the internet, whether it's on a phone, computer or any other device, not as a human, but an Internet Troll, nobody likes internet trolls, these are also considered cyberbullies, internet trolls send negative remarks and comments that insult people, they do this to get attention, would you let them feed you? Taylor: My Dad is way too overprotective when it comes to me being back before curfew, my Mom agrees with him. (Anderson and Pablo chuckled, Taylor shouted at them). WebHere my very first fanfiction. Enjoy! (Lincoln gulped, he closed his eyes waiting for the punches, Anderson cracked his knuckles ready to strike, Pablo does the same thing Anderson did, Taylor even goes into memories of Lincoln and Taylors great time together, she remembers walking him to class everyday and striking good conversations, she remembers giving him a hug at the park, back to the present, Taylor suddenly snapped, her eyes turned from sadness to anger, as Anderson was ready to strike, Taylor blocks Anderson from Lincoln, all three of the boys were shocked in surprise). WebIn a post-apocalyptic world, Lori Loud, the only survivor of the Loud family, struggles to stay alive. Seventh Grade Boy #1: We were talking about "Fortnite" we don't mean by anybody at the school. (Lincoln gulped, it cuts back to the present with Lincoln angry at Lynn for not helping). Loud House (Leni come into Lori room to see why loud house Enjoy! No Bus No Fuss SoulKiller13. You really saved my skin. Lynn: >to Lincoln< Whoa, what happened to you bro? Lincoln: YES, YES, YES, YES, I'LL OBEY, PLEASE LET GO OF ME! Taylor: Why don't you save that for lunch later? Image details Image size (As they waved bye to each other, Vanzilla left Lincoln alone by the front entrance, as he walked in, he noticed Taylor by his locker with a smile on her face). B User blog:Babsfrisch/The Loud House Guy; User blog:BatSam247/Dimension Hoppers: Part 2; Taylor: >to Lincoln< Im sorryLincoln. Lola: >gasps, to other sisters sans Lynn< You guys, Lincoln has got a girlfriend! Taylor: One more thing, if this program isn't enough to redeem myself, should I be his escort buddy and get more extra good deeds? Taylor: Thank you Principal Ramirez, you got a deal. She is one of Lily 's classmates. Mr. Chong: Okay, we will end this lesson if you ask. Lincolnloud Stories Taylor: It's okay, she and I aren't friends anyway. WebIn a post-apocalyptic world, Lori Loud, the only survivor of the Loud family, struggles to stay alive. Loud Lynn: >to Lynn Sr.< I love to help him, but he is a big boy now, he needs to learn to do things all on his own. To end his miserable life. Lynn >offscreen, in office< FIRED!?!?!?!?! Lincoln: It's like what Lynn said, the principal doesn't care about her students but herself, she's always to occupied. Mr. Chong: Are you ready for lesson three? Principal Ramirez: OUT!!!!!!!!! Pablo: Oh man, and I thought we were the kings and queen of bullying. School Officer: >to Seventh Graders< Boys, this is very serious, did you see what could happen when you talk about shooting at school? (Lynn then tackles someone but only she tackled the School officer, she then grins nervously). WebLynner or Loser. Mr. Chong: If you don't know what cyberbullying is, it's the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature, whether it's on a phone, tablet, computer or videogame console. No Bus No Fuss Mr. Bolhofner: Oh Loud, I didn't expect you to be so early. Lynn: >offscreen, to Lincoln< I know who she is Stinkoln, but I still wouldnt trust her though. Taylor: >to Lincoln< Dont mention it, Im just looking after you. But soon turns for the worst her bully kidnaps. Seventh Grade Boy #1: >to Lynn, frightened< No, No, you don't understand.! Taylor: Yes we did, but before you say anything, I just realized that we were not the only ones that bullied him, Chandler and Lynn are also bullying him, and I want to make it up to him and give up bullying him and everyone else. Lincoln: Basement, Kitchen, Dining Room, Backyard, Stairs, Bathroom and Attic. They quickly ran after him to stop him from ending his life. Taylor: >to Lincoln< Ill trade you a PB&J sandwich for a Grilled cheese sandwich. (Lynn helped Taylor escort Lincoln to class for the rest of the day, the next morning, at the School news center, Lincoln and Clyde were going live). Lynn the Bully bully Taylor: Oh, I think I got something in my eye, I'll be back in a bit. School Officer: >to Seventh Grade Boys< It's okay Boys, I'll let you two off with a warning this time, now head to class, >to Lynn< And as for you, while you are not Hall Monitor anymore, I'm just glad you took it serious, so I'll let this slide for a while, don't be harassing students anymore. Luna: Were just looking out for you bro! Taylor: >to herself, crying< Now you understand someone else's pain when they start middle school, you don't want to make sure they too become a bully just like you, you've should have known better than that, you've been hanging out with the wrong crowd and I don't want you to let him do the same thing as well, it's all your fault, you started to The Loud House Fanfic #30-No Bullies Principal Ramirez: Lynn, you literally twisted another students arm, even if it's your brother, you still cannot abuse them, and it's not just Lincoln, it's other sixth and seventh graders who are complaining, your job was to give tickets to students who disrespect the rules of the school hallway and report them to me, not aggressively torture them under your own free will! (which might be the worst fanfiction ever) In this episode, Luna gets grounded by her parents for her obnoxiously loud music she plays 24/7, and becomes grumpy and impatient, so her siblings, after being sick and tired of it before that happened, try to help her become less insecure and angry, and also play quieter music.