principles of classical conditioning, how will Robert likely react today when he tastes or smells the B. pink flower. worry about spelling or grammar. B. REM sleep is an active stage of sleep during which dreaming does not occur. B. B. melatonin 22. The truth is that stage hypnotism is essentially a theatrical performance and has about as much in common with bona fide clinical hypnosis as many Hollywood movies have with real life. D. somnambulism. C. positive punishment B. anterograde amnesia. people under hypnosis want to tell the truth: true or false. A. the same area of the brain is involved in the functioning of implicit and explicit memory. B. A. circadian rhythm. revealed increased activity of her central nervous system. skips her coffee in the morning. D. Most REM sleep takes place during stage 1 of a night's sleep. C. It is derived from natural components of plants. by delta waves. C. a state called hypnagogic reverie. D. experiencing night terrors. family obligations. C. opiate. 53. C. more than two drinks in a row B. suprachiasmatic nucleus C. hypnosis involves the retention of a single state of consciousness. C. Somnambulisms/Nightmares All animals require sleep. They are most often used in suicide attempts. A. C. periodic attacks of uncontrollable sleepiness. C. Classical conditioning is based on observing and imitating others. B. D. primary, A ________ reinforcer is a reinforcer that acquires its positive value through an organism's remember new information better and faster. D. declarative memory, A person's knowledge about the world is known as ________ memory. A. D. difficulty falling asleep, waking up during the night, or waking up too early. Time line therapy D. semantic, . most likely B. psychological dependence. C. pain the viewer, will experience those positive feelings toward the product. C. Individuals normally spend about 20 percent of sleep in light sleep. C. Contiguity C. Stage 1 sleep B. preparedness. B. dopamine The two hemispheres can no longer relay information back and forth. She usually has several more cups throughout the day. C. reinforcement. A. positive reinforcement. A. Hallucinogens Which of the following statements is true of meditation? C. procedural memory. It reinforces a behavior after a set number of behaviors. C. implicit C. hallucinogens. A. Which of the following is true regarding learning through operant conditioning? B. wake up earlier than desired, sometimes several times a night. D. serotonin dependence. If someone responds oddly to a stimulus (when no longer hypnotized) as a result of a hypnotist's suggestion, he or she will try to find a reasonable explanation for it. D. H.M. showed major deficits in sensory, short-term, and long-term implicit memory.1, Which of the following refers to the conscious recollection of information, such as specific facts and D. lacking awareness. ________ has to do with A. require lower levels of attention than controlled processes. Miranda is learning to play tennis. A. marijuana C. conditioned response. themselves? D. activation-synthesis, 120. D. within three hours of falling asleep. D. Classical conditioning can explain drug habituation. D. negative punishment. A. somniloquy. C. attention, retention, motor reproduction, and reinforcement C. sensory memory/long-term memory C. They improve memory retention. A. D. It refers to a continuum of memory processing. Which of the following is true of a night's sleep? conditioned stimulus when these two stimuli are paired. D. retrieval failures. D. Stage 3 sleep/stage 1 and stage 2 sleep, C. Stage 1 sleep/stage 3 and stage 4 sleep. B. Hypnosis produces a state of consciousness dissimilar to other states of consciousness. 29. The ability to listen to music while reading a magazine indicates Tranquilizers, sedatives, and opiates all belong to the category of _____ drugs. Nolan may suffer from According to _____, dreaming occurs when the cerebral cortex synthesizes neural signals generated from activity in the lower brain. Meditation is an altered state of consciousness or a psychological state of altered attention and expectation in which the individual is unusually receptive to suggestions. memory, not in explicit memory. C. conditioned response (CR). B.They need more conscious effort than controlled processes. A. discovery learning. During a class lecture, Veronica fancies herself to be attending a Bon Jovi concert in Miami. B. narcotic Jennifer and Stacey go to different schools but study the same text books. According to Bandura's model of observational learning, what are the four primary processes Attention B. sensory memory The set is on sale for$44.95. C. conditioned stimulus. 58. WebIdentify the true and false statements about hypnosis. D. emotional system. subjects are always aware of everything that goes on around them: true or false. Which of the following concepts best describes Miranda's learning B. Which of the following is true of opiates? B. A. B. daydreaming. Skill memory A. Discuss the physiological and psychological effects of sleep deprivation. A. brain. the best subjects are people who have a reason to go under hypnosis: true or false. B. 95. D. dramatic changes in environmental stimuli, Your friend Helen just started working the night shift at the post office. Lea is in 114. Robert drank too much tequila last night. A. somnambulism. D. Jeff wakes up a few seconds before his alarm clock goes off in order to avoid the obnoxious They interrupt others people's study or sleep. Which of the following is true of acquisition in classical conditioning? A. C. executive processes. D. Aversive conditioning. A. getting hurt B) It can help to cure cocaine addiction. C. Hallucinogens Which of the following statements about the effectiveness of hypnosis is FALSE? C. Stage 5 sleep/ stage 3 and stage 4 sleep B. negative reinforcement She recently began taking medication to help After Someone Wakes Up From Hypnosis, He Or She May Have Involuntary Reactions To A Stimulus But Not Remember Why. Identify The True And False Statements About Hypnosis. a lot of people can be hypnotized: true or false. C. narcolepsy. A. Sigmund Freud's theory Its a type of mind-body medicine. Her response is an example of a Her biological clock has become desynchronized. B. Freud's psychoanalytic theory 2. Eventually, Shirley stops studying for algebra tests and accepts that nothing she does will enable her to The next day, the baby's mother brings home some pink flowers. C. Dreams are viewed as dramatizations of general life concerns that are similar to relaxed daydreams under the cognitive theory. While attending a lecture, Lea starts yawning and fights hard to stay awake. C. subconscious awareness B. decrease memory performance. B. short-term memory C. automatic processes. States of consciousness that require little attention and do not interfere with other ongoing activities are called A. high consciousness Psychoactive drugs that slow down mental and physical activity are called They are most often used in suicide attempts. WebQuestion: Identify a true statement about hypnosis. Meditation 14. C. positive reinforcement. how anyone could ever get these dangerous animals to be so cooperative without anesthesia. A. Although dreams occur during both non-REM and REM stages, dreams are more frequently experienced in the REM stage. C. Generalizing D. Mindfulness. forgotten her name, career, and other vital information about herself. C. Keiko, who is daydreaming about her upcoming vacation this weekend A. marijuana/cocaine What type of drug is Gloria dependent on? Furthermore, it can get rid of cravings during the process, which prevents weight gain while. B. hippocampus and hypothalamus. C. wake up earlier than desired, sometimes several times a night. D. more than three drinks in a row, 82. This is an example of Sleep is essential for physical and psychological well-being. She is experiencing an altered state of consciousness. Falling asleep all of a sudden while talking to a friend is most likely an example of Which of the following statements is true of caffeine? B. B. 130. Altered states of consciousness can be produced by A. somniloquy 124. B. barbiturate D. incubation. D. unconditioned stimulus (US), Which of the following is the best example of an unconditioned response? C. Motor reproduction B. tranquilizer. When we are taking a math test, we are engaged in a high-level consciousness activity. A. will result in decreasing levels of cortisol in the body. D. working memory. The visuo-spatial sketchpad acts like a supervisor who monitors which information deserves Mr. Owens always sleeps restlessly, snoring and gasping during the night. A. visual structuring. Classical conditioning Gloria can't get through the day without several cups of coffee and energy drinks. A criticism of activation-synthesis theory is that B. automatic processes. 71. A. daydreaming. A. Psychoanalysis C. conditioned stimulus/neutral stimulus ________, a third element of observational learning, is the process of imitating the model's actions. the best subjects are people who have a reason to go under hypnosis: true or false. period of time. C. It is the most powerful type of depressant. A. a learner imitates the model's actions. C. Dissociated/neodissociated Identify the true statement about barbiturates. What is the likely cause of these complaints? D. amphetamines. C. Explicit memory/Implicit memory D. corpus callosum. C. REM sleep is characterized by a lack of rapid eye movement. A. high consciousness. C. depressants. B. D. The EEG pattern for REM sleep shows slow waves similar to those of stage 3 sleep. personalities that she exhibits as a result of her condition. Depressants _____ whereas stimulants _____. true. In cognitive theory, there is an essential search for the hidden, symbolic content of dreams. 122. D.increased tolerance. D. There is a limited amount of storage available for long-term memories, so older memories D. Reliability. Miranda then tries to imitate the sequence of swings and WebWhich of the following statements about hypnosis is true? Your mother must always have an early morning cup of coffee. A. why students should study exam material over a period of days instead of hours. C. The capacity of the visuo-spatial sketchpad is limited. C. night terror. D. They push or assault others. a stream of consciousness that consists of a continuous flow of changing sensations, images, thoughts, and feelings. D. semantic memory/episodic memory, Which of the following involves memory for skills? B. long-term memory. D. Concentration, Meditation has been compared to ________, the relaxed sense that all is well. He will invite all of his friends over that night for another party. C. Working memory functions as a passive storehouse with shelves to store information until it bears open their mouths for teeth cleaning and present their paws for nail clipping. B. a drug no longer causes a person to get high, but they take it again. Although you had never been to the Fancy Foods Restaurant in your town, you weren't at all A. theory of mechanism. Olympic Sports purchased two dozen pairs of 5th Element Adult Aggressive in-line skates at a cost of $1950. 72. Which of the following individuals is exhibiting the highest level of conscious awareness? B. discovery learning. ________ are frightening dreams that awaken a dreamer from REM sleep. B. A. using Miller's framework for memory retrieval. A. do not require selective attention. C. automatic processing. from the subject. A. neutral stimulus/reinforcer stimulus A. What is the most common negative consequence that binge-drinking college students create for others? house. Extinction C. in a hypnagogic state. Individuals with "discovered" memories realize that the memories may be inaccurate. others? Which of the following is true of working memory? C. Individuals in a hypnotic state are unreceptive to external suggestions. A. B. controlled processes. the loudly as soon as she sees it. A neurochemical memory trace disintegrates over time. subjects are always aware of everything that goes on around them: true or false. A. fall unexpectedly into a deep sleep in the middle of daily activities. B. C. They damage other people's property. D. procedural memory, ________ is the activation of information that people already have in storage to help them A. psychological dependence. When you go to check on your sleeping child, you observe that his eyes are moving back and forth rapidly under his eyelids. In addition to the restorative function of sleep, scientists also believe that sleep may serve an important evolutionary function. D. narcolepsy. 125. names may be attributed to the occurrence of . Psychological research on sleep and memory has found that staying up all night to study for an exam is likely to A. ventral tegmental area and nucleus accumbens. True Statement (s) Drag appropriate answer (s) here The split-brain procedure is conducted only in people who have severe seizure disorders (epilepsy). example of a ________ task, whereas asking an eyewitness to identify a suspect on the basis of a lineup Moesha is most likely suffering from C. corpus callosum/hippocampus A. voluntary behavior. Compare and contrast rapid eye movement (REM) and non-rapid eye movement (non-REM) sleep. Your friend wonders Altered states of consciousness are mental states that are noticeably different from normal awareness (e.g., sleeping or dreaming). Stimulants, like caffeine, nicotine, amphetamines, and cocaine, increase activity in the central nervous system. B. occur during REM sleep. B. C. discrimination. A. the temporary cessation of breathing during sleep. Food As a physiological state, meditation shows qualities of sleep and wakefulness, yet it is distinct from both. A. For a moment you wonder if he's dead, but suddenly he snorts and resumes snoring. B. C. ventral tegmental area and nucleus accumbens. A. I was being chased by men in suits; they were riding horses. B. how cannibalized worms can pass on skills they had learned to the cannibals. B. a change in GABA B. somnambulism. D. They involve individuals actively focusing their efforts toward a goal. True. people under hypnosis want to tell the truth: true or false. B. conditioned stimulus. Mitchell wants to quit smoking, so his therapist decides to try hypnosis as a form of treatment. D. Divided attention involves concentrating on different activities, one activity at a time. What is the markdown? B. He spent much of this morning vomiting. C. hallucinogen. A. A. Alcohol is a type of hallucinogen. C. implicit but not explicit memories C. Mapping out the location of your vacation destination 6. A. extrasensory perception B. a placebo effect 44. D. hippocampus and hypothalamus. C. altered states of consciousness. C. adenosine. C. how people can remember material for several months. D. stimulant, 93. A. metacognition. The hippocampus, the temporal lobes in the cerebral cortex, and other areas of the limbic system B. Valium D. during non-REM sleep. C. stage 3 and stage 4 74. reinforced. C. melatonin Identify the true statement about LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide). Classical conditioning can produce immunosuppression. D. Deborah is watching a movie in the theater. binary consciousness. C. View 76. Which of the following statements is true of daydreaming? 46. B. Daydreaming occurs when the individual is doing something that requires full attention. C. tolerance. A. exhibiting increased level of consciousness. B. insomnia. A. a white rat B. Ecstasy. 18. C. schema WebIdentify the true and false statements about someone with split brain. 56. C. may cause Helen to be at increased risk for heart disease. C. It reinforces a behavior after a fixed amount of time has passed. Jacob's friend Sarah loves the warmth she feels for everybody when she takes Ecstasy. brain's activities. A. positive punishment. B. executive function. B. the encoding of information for the purpose of retention and retrieval. B. lower-level consciousness Nicotine raises _____ levels in the brain. C.night terrors C. She will tell Mitchell to concentrate on the swinging pendulum on her desk. Alcohol is a powerful drug that acts on the body primarily as a stimulant and speeds up the D. positive punishment. A. A. stimulants D. fixed-interval, ________ is a consequence that decreases the likelihood that a behavior will occur. A. instinctive drift. science of memory, this tip will be most useful to Ava when she is ________ information. A. operant conditioning. subjects are always aware of everything that goes on around them: true or false. private experiences. B. Automatic processes B. marijuana/valium A. among older adults. It negates the role of deep processing in memory. D. night terrors. B. H.M. could not learn new physical tasks. B. Hypnosis produces a state of consciousness dissimilar to other states of consciousness. What memory A. script. A. stage 1 sleep. B. Somnambulisms/Nightmares D. stimulant. of divided attention suggests that watching TV while studying will ________ Elsa's exam performance. . C. Decay D. Leonard's drug tolerance had reached its limits and his US was confounded with his CS and It has been found most useful in preparing people for anesthesia , enhancing the drug response, and reducing the required dosage. D. hypnosis involves a special state of consciousness in which consciousness is split into separate components. C.They interfere with other ongoing activities. A. B. stimulus experience. You don't censor yourself or What is the definition of a binge-drinking episode? a stream of consciousness that consists of a continuous flow of changing sensations, images, thoughts, and feelings. B. are frightening dreams that awaken a dreamer. In the context of memory processes, which of the following scenarios best illustrates the process of 20. famous singer. true. D. Michael, who began drinking in graduate school at age 25, C. Aaron, who began drinking at age 12 with the neighborhood kids, 85. The drug she took is most likely a memories are accurate. C. Synaptic connections become broken. C. brain damage. 43. hours alcoholic beverage, he or she also consumes a mixture that induces nausea. While hypnosis is often described as a sleep-like state, it is better expressed as a state of focused attention, heightened suggestibility, and vivid fantasies. Latent Content: What a dream symbolizes. C. Generalization Which of the following statements is true of marijuana? Working memory allows individuals to hold information permanently as they perform Classical conditioning provides an explanation of fears. Manifest Content: The literal content of She realizes that she has put on ten pounds. B. altered states of consciousness. B. myoclonic event. 104. D. lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). D. unconditioned stimulus, Classical conditioning can produce ________, which is a decrease in the production of antibodies A. stage 1 A. a sealskin coat D. Being anesthetized. D. Discrimination. A. stimulant D. inhalant, 78. C. It is more likely to occur when individuals are sleep deprived. A. unreinforced learning that is not immediately reflected in behavior. Jose's employer pays him every other Friday. Individuals normally spend about 20 percent of sleep in light sleep. C. Individuals in a hypnotic state show characteristics of people being in a relaxed waking state. The tendency of animals to revert to intuitive behavior that interferes with learning is called 10 What type of drug is Gloria dependent on? B. A. C. following sleep apnea. The EEG (electroencephalogram) data of a hypnotized person indicates a predominance of alpha and beta waves. C. Jennifer's tests are based on recognition. B. tranquilizer. After someone wakes up from hypnosis, he or she may have involuntary reactions to a stimulus but not remember why. Repeated usage of marijuana can enhance attention and memory. A. hallucinogenic B. cueing. A. level of awareness Marijuana and LSD are considered to be B. working memory A. have a friend who works there. A. Instinctive drift However, Belinda often finds herself referring to Jim as Which of the following is true of the term "levels of processing" in memory? Individuals in a hypnotic state show characteristics of people being in a relaxed waking state. A. a stream of consciousness that consists of a continuous flow of changing sensations, images, thoughts, and feelings. It is the end of the month and Cindy has several bills yet to pay, but she does not have much money left. clothes. 121. C. retrieving behavior. B. stage 2 Heather reported a boost in energy and a sense of well-being after taking a drug. C. Daydreaming most often occurs in the form of mind wandering. Experience with unavoidable negative stimuli can lead to a particular deficit in avoidance learning WebA. B. What role does sleep play in influencing our psychological and physical health? She loves the music it Retrieval is the memory process that Samantha tells Ava, her friend, that she should use imagery when studying. 24. The social-cognitive-behavior view of hypnosis B. True: If someone is afraid of being hypnotized, the hypnosis will probably not work. Stage 5 sleep/stage 1 and stage 2 sleep vocabulary words you studied last week. C. have a script for what happens in a restaurant. A. a circadian rhythm anomaly. . accurate? B. quickly scanning information for relevant details. In this scenario, Liam's Implicit memory has two subsystems: episodic memory and semantic memory. They enhance decision making. B. C. They improve memory retention. B. B. B. norepinephrine D. a loud noise. What is the most widely used drug in the United States? Awareness involves the 21. ________ is a situation in which material that was learned later disrupts the retrieval of B. spontaneous recovery They aggravate body pain. Moesha has been feeling very stressed about an important project at work. 50. D. circadian rhythm. A. a form of problem solving in which the organism develops a sudden insight into a problem. The drug also enhances his level of activity and pleasurable A. barbiturate. B. learning to ride a bike by watching your older brother do so Mary used the tactic of D. Encoding, ________ of information is linked with neural activity, especially in the brain's left frontal lobe. 70. A. involves mechanically repeating information, without imparting meaning to it.It C. Hypnosis is a commonly used technique for treating problems such as overeating, diabetes, and smoking. Which of the following is true of a fixed-ratio schedule in operant conditioning? D. latent learning, ________ is a form of problem solving in which the organism develops a sudden understanding of a A. the bell had become a reflex. principles to consumers by showing ads that pair something pleasant with a product in hope that you, A.somnambulism D. alcohol, Which of the following individuals is exhibiting the highest level of conscious awareness? D. The term discovered memories avoids the negative connotations of the term recovered C. heroin D. Margaret will have difficulty with short-term memories. True. B. D. reflex. B.narcolepsy to bed, her memories of what she had done that day are lost. A. dreams are caused by neurotransmitter levels. C. anterograde amnesia. 39. D. a behavior is no longer reinforced and decreases in frequency. D. It involves the unconscious repetition of information, If all of the information on the hard drive of your computer is like long-term memory, then D. the therapist's plan to help Gary, 61. B. negative reinforcement. plays and as a result, she plays only that channel whenever she wants to listen to music. 3. Hypnosis usually is done with the guidance of a health care When circadian rhythms are disrupted (e.g., if we must adapt to a new time zone or have to switch from working the day shift to working the night shift), all of the major physiological functions listed above become desynchronized. D. nodes. C. crack. 66. mother experiences headaches when she discontinues the use of caffeine is an example of C. transference. Sleep deprivation is associated with declines in alertness and cognitive performance, inability to sustain attention, decline in complex brain behavior and overall brain activity, decreased problem-solving ability, and problems with moral judgment. REM is an active stage of sleep that occurs in stage 5. C. the hippocampus and corpus callosum C. Self-actualization D. Tylenol. behavior is called D. Water. WebIdentify the true and false statements about hypnosis. D. the result of mental activities such as thinking and reasoning. C. working memory. After several weeks of taking the drug, she noticed that she no longer fits into most of her clothes. WebHypnosis, also called hypnotherapy, is a state of deep relaxation and focused concentration. A. B. no awareness 113. . B. activation-synthesis theory of dreaming This technique B. rehearsing D. subconscious processes, Daydreaming would be considered an example of which of the following levels of awareness? D. Hypnosis produces a state of consciousness dissimilar to other states of consciousness. A. nondeclarative memory C. sleeping. complementary consciousness. _____ is a sleep disorder in which individuals stop breathing because the windpipe fails to open or because brain processes involved in respiration fail to work properly. Jet lag may be best explained by the D. caffeine/nicotine, 97. A. Hypnosis is most effective when combined with psychotherapy. Bargains on video games usually occur in January. If Gary described his dream to a psychotherapist, the therapist would tell him that what he had dreamed about was his fear of financial issues and not being able to pay all his bills. B. A. stimulant. Scientists propose that sleep restores, replenishes, and rebuilds the brain and body. D. discovered memory, The locations of neural activity, called ________, are interconnected. information over a long period of time? C. Leonard's friend switched his drugs in order to teach him not to use drugs by switching his D. stop breathing while they are sleeping. A. behavior is a consequence of the conditioned stimulus (CS). Hypnosis has been officially endorsed as a therapeutic method by medical, psychiatric, dental, and psychological associations throughout the world. true. 102. B. D. Behaviorism. you are asked to recall the name of a person you just met a few seconds ago, you rely on ________. grayling in glacier national park,